120 Glenock Road Uki


play and connect in nature within our great little community

Respecting and advocating for children as capable and creative learners

The children were confident and dextrous in restringing our nylon and steel string acoustic guitars. It enabled them in strengthening their fine motor and cognitive development as well as their gaining insight on different communication modes. We investigated the various thicknesses of the strings and pondered on which would be a lower sound to a…
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Fun Friday

Fun Friday! Nothing like ending a term with some cooking and tasting. This morning we gathered to investigate ingredients, and have a discussion on why we eat, or can not eat, certain foods. Inclusion is about making all welcome, so gluten and dairy free all the way. Numeracy concepts are made fun and engaging when…
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Under the blue skies we play

These beautiful winter days have been lovely and we have been making the most of the warmth in our amazing outdoors. The children have been using their imaginations and creativity to engage in natural resources to extend their play. Our old trikes have been chosen to taxi friends, human and the stuffed bear sort, to…
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Creative and child-led play- Trust blocks

Providing physical space and resources for children to explore their own learning through social play. Respecting and supporting children’s sense of agency is part of our philosophy and interwoven throughout our curriculum and teaching practices. Trusting children as agent’s of their own learning journey is so important. Children’s confidence and ability to form positive relationships…
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Light play

With a humble light box, the children manipulated the magnetic tiles on the bright surface. Starting out as a bit of a novelty, the children piled the tiles in massive towers, how many tiles could they fit? Then their play became refined, with intention. The children were architects, engineers and artists, creating sculptures and mazes,…
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Planting Good Seeds

When does a preschool garden become a learning space? At Mt Warning Community Preschool our garden is the focal point of the majority of our children’s social learning, physical development and close experiences with nature.We believe it invites exploration and investigation from the sandpit to the swings, from the slide and on to the cubby.It…
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Discovering Nature

I love this time of year! There is such a lovely warmth and light to drag us outside and to come and ‘discover’. At our place, my children are hard core nature fossickers, playing in the creek and streams, beach combing and in general just collecting. Our kitchen table is awash with bowls of these found…
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Number Hunt

Today we met in the cubby house for our transition to Morning Tea. Firstly we talked about the number 0. We call it “Zero the Hero!”  and the discussion was about why it is an important number.  Triple zero was talked about and one of the children said that you would get the police if…
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Glenrock 2019

The 5th annual Glenrock Fundraiser is fast approaching and we are looking for donations of sweet and savoury baked goods ☻ read below Baked goods will be sold at the event to help raise money for our preschool nature garden, swing structure and play equipment. If you can contribute, pop on your baking hat and…
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Mt Warning Community Preschool T-Shirts

All proceeds raised fund our Nature garden and educational learning equipment. T-Shirts are $15 each or two for $25Please purchase through the office.You can view colours and try on during school hours