120 Glenock Road Uki

Keeping it real at Christmas

play and connect in nature within our great little community

Keeping it real at Christmas

The Christmas jingle has definitely begun!

The decorations are up.  Joyful joyful music is playing.  And the countdown to school holidays is beginning.
I’ve been thinking though …

What is the best way to do Christmas this year?

How can I celebrate in a sustainable way?

Am I going to get caught in the commercial buzz (again)?

Am I going to be a part of a celebration that produces a hideous amount of landfill (by way of wrapping and waste)?

Or can I do it differently?

Can I inspire my family and my little one to do Christmas differently?

Last year I heard a lovely rhyme.
It was child ‘gift’ related but I believe it is applicable across the board.

Something you want.
Something you need.
Something to wear.
Something to read.

Gold I thought.  A gorgeous golden cap.
I love the notion of giving and thinking of thoughtful gift ideas.
I love wrapping.
I love getting together.
But gosh, where does it stop?
When is enough enough?
This year I’m asking myself …

How can I create a BEAUTIFUL Christmas?  One that is thoughtful, memorable and generous …
Without the wasteful excess?
Here’s a couple of ideas I’m intending to implement at home this Christmas season …
With a heart for celebrating in a conscious way.  

Make my own decorations.  I read a post this week about plastic tooth brushes not breaking down for multiple generations.  I’d dare say this applies also to plastic Christmas decorations.  So I’m going to hit the garden and get creative.  I’m thinking painted pinecones?  I’d like to boost my bunting with Australian fauna rather than shiny plastic … or perhaps braid in some upcycled fabrics?  

Not use any tape in my wrapping.  I’m hearing that jingle “brown paper packages tied up with string” …  and intend to get my google on for clever folding techniques that don’t need plastic tape.  I’ve already caved and purchased some gorgeous wrap paper (darn it wrapped in plastic) but gosh it would be nice to use upcycled fabric wrap as much as possible.

Share a whole foods menu.  As much as possible  I want to limit packaged foods and create from a fresh base for the whole festive season.  It’s a challenge (I do this normally anyhow) but not impossible of course.  Hello Murwillumbah Farmers Markets!

Buy (locally when possible) Australian made.  Applicable to food, decorations, gifts … I’m asking myself to support my local economy and reduce the travel miles of my purchases.

Share my heart for quality rather than quantity.  This could be quality time, quality gifts, quality food.  Quality over quantity everything.  But my!  I’m not looking forward to that awkward conversation … “PLEASE DON’T buy me any junk!  Really.  Please don’t.” … Any ideas how to frame this up better?

Look for sustainable or upcycled gift ideas.  A beautifully chosen piece from the past ~ up cycled or just in perfect condition ~ can be so special to gift.  Much more difficult to find or even involving a process to have something created … but total extra giving kudos.  If I can’t find or create something from the past I really want to find pieces that are made from natural materials crafted in an impeccable way

So that’s my Christmas thinking for 2017.

Tell me yours?

How are YOU choosing sustainability this season?  How are you encouraging others?

Written by Mary