Location,TX 75035,USA

Creative play in cooking

play and connect in nature within our great little community

Fun Friday! Nothing like ending a term with some cooking and tasting. This morning we gathered to investigate ingredients, and have a discussion on why we eat, or can not eat, certain foods. Inclusion is about making all welcome, so gluten and dairy free all the way. On top of some ethic based conversations, we also strengthened our confidence in co-ordination. Mixing gloopy batter is tricky! These crazy critters aced it, stirring nice and slow…carefully turning… then Wham! A couple of very sophisticated groover’s starting twirling the bowl like their hand was an electric mixer. Still did not spill! It was impressive the patience and respect the children brought to the table, and during the experience. Even after we were all finished up, once those cupcakes were in the oven, they were all extremely patient. It was worth it. Goopy banana and blueberry muffins with soy milk, coconut oil and a crazy mix up of gluten free flour. Check out lentil flour! It gave the cakes a little zing. Taking of zings, it is wonderful when play provides an opportunity for us to explore all our senses: smelling the ingredients, looking as we spooned things in, feeling the textures, listening to the information and the stories of our friends and the best- tasting! We are amped to do more cooking in Term 2- camp fire damper, scones with Davidson plum jam and gnocchi…any more suggestions?